Lovely Vintage

A beautiful tied bouquet including roses and other seasonal flowers in antique, soft shades of pink, cream and green. Arranged in a presentation bouquet, all ready for the recipient to arrange in their own vase or jug. 

*Vase not included*

If you would prefer the flowers wrapped in eco-friendly recyclable paper rather than cellophane, just leave us a note in the special instructions!

Lovely Vintage

Select Option and Price

Standard (size as image) £ 40.00
Luxury £ 50.00
Enter Your Price - (Minimum £ 40.00)

What is the occasion?

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Add On Items

Glass Vase - A welcomed addition to any flower delivery, add an elegant glass vase to your order and leave a lasting impression. (Design may vary)

Glass Vase


Chocolate Selection Box - (Florist Choice) A delicious gift delivered as an addition to your floral gift.

Chocolate Box


Balloon- any occasion - Why not add a foil helium balloon to your flower delivery for an extra special touch!

Balloon- any occasion
